Science Strong

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Inspiration Through Education

Science, when presented as both a subject and as a method of study, helps children better understand the world in which they live. Science allows for active learning.

Promoting science education is a fundamental component of Pierce Cedar Creek Institute's mission. To build upon this effort, the Institute launched ScienceStrong—Explore, Experience, Engage in the fall of 2014 with a specific goal in mind: to improve science literacy among area preschool through high school students by providing resources for teachers and expanding learning opportunities for students. Barry County students are becoming ScienceStrong!

Science Lending Library

With the help of donors to the ScienceStrong—Explore, Experience, Engage initiative, the Institute provides an online Science Lending Library full of equipment and supplies available for a free six-week loan for educators to use in their classrooms to enhance students' learning experiences.

If you are interested in borrowing materials or have particular requests, contact Education Director, Dr. Sara Syswerda at